The Ministry Teams

Bringing Christ's Love to Life One Service At A Time

Congregation Care

We are a group who rallies when the need arises to provide a reception at Spirit of Hope. There are a variety of ways you can help, from setting up tables and chairs, bringing food, serving, or cleaning. We provide support during times of celebration and mourning, and in that way our service brings Christ's love to life. Council liaison - Cindy Grothen 

Altar Care

Altar Care sets up communion each week, as well as baptisms throughout the year & all Saints Day. We change the colors on the Altar to coincide with the Church season. We also decorate for Christmas, clear the altar during Holy Week. We are responsible for the changes in the banners also. Council liaison - Andrea Ingalsbe 

Worship Hospitality

Do you have a knack for making others feel welcome?  If so, you have the gift of hospitality and we hope you will consider using your gift to welcome all to God’s home.  The Hospitality Team consists of individuals that serve in a variety of ways during church services.  Hospitality tasks include greeting worshipers at the door, distributing programs and collecting offering.  Council liaison - Jay Connelly 

Women's Group/WELCA

As women of Spirit of Hope, we are Women of the ELCA who have been created in the image of God. The Mission and Purpose of Women of the ELCA is to be disciples of Jesus Christ as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness in the church, society and the world. At Spirit of Hope, we don't have formal Women of the ELCA meetings, but through gatherings for Bible Study, quilting, crafting, sending Thankofferings to the wider church, we support each other within and reach out to others. Council liaison - Jen Dannelly

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team consists of nearly 2 dozen people praying for needs submitted through the Padlet app or the prayer email address. The prayer requests remain up for a week. Anyone can submit a prayer request, they do not have to be a member of Spirit of Hope. Members of the Prayer team access the Padlet app through the Spirit of Hope app or website. Council liaison - Leann Weise 

Flower Team

The Flower Team beautifies our sanctuary by organizing weekly altar flowers as well as flowers for special occasions such as poinsettias for Christmas and Lilies for Easter. Council liaison - Andrea Ingalsbe

Piecemaker's Quilting

The Piecemaker's Quilting group meets twice a month to create quilts that are distributed throughout our community, our nation and across the globe.  If you can tie a knot, you can be a Piecemaker!  Council liaison - Leann Wiese  

Worship Camera Operators

Gain a different perspective during worship & bring Christ's love to life by livestreaming the worship service. If you are comfortable using a mouse and keyboard you have the skills needed to help us broadcast the worship service. Liaison - Jason Kipper


We bring Christ's love to life by leading the congregation in music during worship through our instrumental & vocal gifts.  We are also the individuals that are in the booth to run the slides during worship. The slides are seen in church as well as on the live stream and are vitally important.  Liaison - Director of Worship Arts 

Worship Scripture Readers

Scripture Readers bring Christ's love to life by sharing the gospel reading to those in-person and on the livestream worship. This is a wonderful way to share the Good News with others present in the body of Christ. Readers are needed and welcomed at both services on Sunday morning. Council liaison - Michelle Nelson 

Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach

One of the ways we can bring Christ's love to life is to feed the homeless and near-homeless in our community. Spirit of Hope does this by planning, donating, preparing, and serving a meal at Matt Talbot Kitchen the second Friday every other month. Council liaison - Andrea Ingalsbe 

Lincoln Lutheran
Food Pantry

Spirit of Hope joins with area Lutheran churches as part of the Lutheran Food Pantry, operated from St Andrews Lutheran. Food items are donated by families, organizations, and churches and then pantry volunteers sort the food items and, in some cases, shop for the food. Participating churches call the pantry when they have an individual or family in need. Volunteers pack the food boxes for pick up. Our drop off location is in the Hospitality Room. Council liaison -Ben Trenne


Our team delivers donation items to the Barnabas Community. Items such as clothing, books, toys, and household goods are collected at church and transferred to the Barnabas Community store for distribution to those in need. Council liaison - Brian Wienhold