For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
- Matthew 6:21
Why we give.
God is generous and so God calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God in all areas of our lives, that includes what we do with our finances.
Ways To Give
Give Online
You're in the right spot. In the block to your right is the place to begin your online donation. Select a dollar amount, fund you intend it for then click next. If you are here for the first time, there will be some information to set up. Once you have an account set up, your information will remain. If you don't wish to set up an account, no worries! That works, too.
You also have the option to 'give up' by covering the transaction fees. Credit and debit cards are 2.9% of the donation, plus a $.30 transaction fee (that's 30 cents). Direct donations from a checking/savings account are 1% and no transaction fee.
You also have the option to 'give up' by covering the transaction fees. Credit and debit cards are 2.9% of the donation, plus a $.30 transaction fee (that's 30 cents). Direct donations from a checking/savings account are 1% and no transaction fee.
Give In Person
Offering envelopes are on the counter in the commons and you're welcome to use those to place cash or check in the offering plates found at either entrance to the worship center.
give by text
Text “Give2SoH” (without the quotes) to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483) and follow the giving prompts to fill out the payment information.
Mail A Check
We're happy to recieve your offering by mailing a check.
Please mail to:
Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church
5801 NW 1st ST
Lincoln, NE 68521
Please mail to:
Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church
5801 NW 1st ST
Lincoln, NE 68521
altar Flowers
If you want to reserve a date for 2024 to have the altar flowers as a celebration, remembrance or just because, please do so and thanks! Click below for the on-line flower chart or call the church office at 402-477-3874 to reserve a Sunday. Altar flowers are $25 and you can pick them up anytime after Sunday worship

Donut Sign-Up

Have you noticed sweet, delicious, pastries & donuts on the counter in the commons on Sunday morning? Well, we hope so because it has been a delight to have them back. Our council is in need of volunteers to pick up these treats each week. Spirit of Hope has a standing order with the bakery at the Super Saver in Fallbrook at 840 Fallbrook Blvd. Simply arrive at the bakery department around 8:30 am and let the employee know that you are picking up the donut order for Spirit of Hope. The cashier will ask for the church address (5801 NW 1st Street, Lincoln, NE 68521) and your name to complete the invoice and print you a receipt. Super Saver bills Spirit of Hope so you don't need to pay for the donuts! Then bring the donuts to church on your way to worship. Feel free to slide the receipt under the church office door. The council has put together a sign up sheet found on the counter in the commons to organize volunteers. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask a council member. Thank you!
Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach
One of the ways we can bring Christ's love to life is to feed the homeless and near-homeless in our community. Spirit of Hope does this by planning, donating, preparing, and serving a meal at Matt Talbot Kitchen the second Friday every other month. On Friday, March 14, we will be serving Breaded Fish Fillets, Mac and Cheese, Green Beans, Peaches and Cottage Cheese, and Pudding Cups. The team lead is Steve Bank. To sign-up to donate or volunteer to serve, please click the orange button.
The Lutheran Food Pantry Needs
The Lutheran Food Pantry appreciates all donations of shelf-stable food and personal care items.
- Cereal, boxed breakfast Fruits, canned (pears, peaches, pineapple, fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges)Fruit juice, large bottles and/or boxes/packetsJam and jelly
- Macaroni and cheese
- Noodles, dry Potatoes, boxed instant mashed
Other items we always need include:
- Breakfast bars (Pop Tarts, granola bars, oatmeal/fruit bars)
- Instant oatmeal packets
- Canned chicken
- Canned tuna
- Canned vegetables (especially peas, mixed vegetables)
- Canned beans (chili, kidney, pinto)
- Meals, canned (meatballs & spaghetti, ravioli, etc.)
- Pancake mix and syrup
- Pasta, dry (spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, etc.)
- Peanut butter
- Pork and beans
- Ramen noodles
- Rice, 1 pound bags
- Saltine crackers
- Snack items (small packages of cookies, nuts, fruit flavored snacks, etc.)
- Soups, condensed (chicken noodle, tomato, vegetable, cream soups)
- Spaghetti sauce
- Tomatoes, canned
- Personal care items (shampoo, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes)
Tom and Lynn Ochsner Coordinators, The Lutheran Food Pantry
Fallbrook Assisted Living Center Outreach
We have a monthly drum circle thanks to Frank Ferraro sharing his talents. Please keep all in prayer.