Day Hefner
Meet the new pastor at Spirit of Hope! Pastor Day is excited to be called to the messiness of being church in the 21st century - to help the church reconnect with a world hungry for the unconditional love and grace it has to share - and to explore with curiosity, hope, creativity and compassion the new things God is calling into being.

Cindi Wolfe
administrative assistant
Cindi is responsible for the administrative functions of the church and is instrumental in the maintaining of our website and mobile app.

Daniel Herbener
Daniel has been our accompanist since 2022.
Director of Worship Arts
Spirit of Hope is currently looking for someone to fill the position of Director of Worship Arts. Duties primarily include music selection, leading rehearsals, and running the sound during worship. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or applying, email info@spiritofhopelincoln.org or click the button below.